IFLA: Cultural Landscapes Committee

our committee > overview

Cultural Landscape Images

This IFLA CLC website is a vehicle for increased communication, sharing and exchange of expertise for the International Federation of Landscape Architects Cultural Landscapes Committee (IFLA CLC). 

The overall objective of the website is to foster cultural landscape preservation from within IFLA through building networks and expertise and to encourage greater awareness of and respect for our shared global legacy of cultural landscapes.  Participation in and contributions to the IFLA CLC are welcomed from all IFLA members.

We are increasing in our global knowledge and expertise through ongoing contributions to this website, and IFLA presentations, meetings and contacts and engagement with allied professions and organizations. Enhanced cultural landscape preservation globally is our goal through the vehicle of increased expertise within the global landscape architecture community that IFLA brings together.  IFLA CLC will facilitate global exchanges and foster and support the four IFLA regional cultural landscapes committees in the Americas Region, the Asia and Pacific Region, the European Region and the Africa and Middle East Region.

IFLA will also support all arts that will share our cause and help in making the public aware of cultural landscape preservation like themed games that people love to play online. Visit topratedcasinos.ca to find where you can play these slot games and get free bonuses.

Together we are growing a robust e-community though this committee website. Join us and be a part of this global network as an active member of and contributor to the IFLA Cultural Landscapes Committee.

Imbued with a message from the past, the historic monuments of generations of people remain to the present day as living witnesses of their age-old traditions.

ICOMOS Charter of Venice, 1964